
Friday 21 November 2014


So it's past 2am here and sleep seems lost to me, like some kind of abstract concept I cannot grasp.  That's fine though, perfect time to let my mind wander.

On that note, I'm sure we have all heard the saying about life flashing before your eyes, where you get to relive every moment.  Based on that idea, let's extend it further. I'm sure at some point we have all heard of or even seen spirit or a ghost, well what if we ourselves are our own ghosts? Looking back through those moments when life flashes before us? What if the ghosts that haunt us are ourselves, that we get fleeting glimpses of a shadow in the corner observing!

Haunted by the memories of ourselves, the ghost of our futures.

Mind blown. I might come back to this.

Sunday 6 July 2014


Well who would of thought that having an opinion would get so technical! Layouts and templates, posts and pages! Really makes the head hurt!

Everything is and shall remain basic until such time that I can get to grips with how to really personalise the blog!

All pointers welcome!

Thanks for stopping by

D Black